Institute of Social Research Articles
- An analysis of Communications within a Corporation Organization Using Responses to the Open-ended type Question
- A study on people's awareness about the restarting and decommissioning of nuclear power plants
- The pros and cons about restarting and awareness about nuclear power generation; further fi ndings from INSS’s analysis of the opinion survey answers
Institute of Nuclear Technology Articles
- Flow Structure in a Downward Branch Pipe with a Closed End (Eff ect of Branch Pipe Shapes on Flow Structure)
- Structural integrity of stainless steel components exposed to neutron irradiation (Change in failure strength of cracked components due to cold working)
- Numerical Simulations of Thermal Striping at T-junction Pipe - 3rd Report: The Eff ects of Inlet Boundary Conditions on Temperature Fluctuation Intensity -
- APT analysis of stainless steel welds after long-term thermal aging and neutron irradiation
- Corrosion of irradiated stainless steels in simulated PWR primary water(2)
- Corrosion Behavior of Ion-irradiated Stainless Steel in Simulated PWR Primary Water
- SCC Growth Behavior of alloy 182 and 152 /SUS316 dissimilar metal weld joints in High-Temperature Water
- The Infl uence of Grain Boundary Cavity Formation on the SCC Growth Rate of Alloy 690
- A Feasibility Study of Evaluating Irradiation Embrittlement of Low Alloy Steel using Thermoelectric Power
- Transient evaluation using EMTP at one phase opening with the off site power transformer for the emergency power supply systems of nuclear power plants (This report is a follow-up of the report published two years ago.) -Verifi cation related to the open-phase detection method of the transformer by United States Electric Power Research Institute(EPRI)-
- Trend Analysis of Motor Operated valve actuating device Failure Events at U.S.Nuclear Plants
- Plant Incident Progress Scenario Analysis for the FY2014 Nuclear Emergency Exercise of Fukui Prefecture
- Application of the Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty method to the small break LOCA with high pressure injection failure: Eff ect evaluation of the model uncertainty on the safety evaluation parameter
- Development Status of Ultrasonic Test Techniques for Cast Stainless Steel
- A review of evaluation methods developed for numerical simulation of the temperature fl uctuation contributing to thermal fatigue of a T-junction pipe
- Development of Simple Evaluation Tool for Water Temperature and Water Level of Spent Fuel Pit - Pit Calculator -