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Institute of Nuclear Technology Articles
- Fatigue Life Prediction Model According to Crack Growth Concept (Fatigue Life Corrections for Loading History and Mean Stress Effects of S45C Carbonsteel)
- Synergistic Effects of Ni and Si on the Formation of Solute Atom Clusters and Dislocation Loops in RPV Model Alloys
- Evaluation of a phased array asymmetrical TOFD ultrasonic testing method by ultrasonic propagation simulation
- SCC Initiation in Cold Worked Alloy 690 TT under Simulated PWR Primary Water(4th Report) - Growth Behavior of Microcracks -
- SCC Growth Behavior of Stainless Steel Weld Metals in Oxygenated High-Temperature Water - Influence of Thermal Aging and Steel Type -
- Microstructure and Fracture Behavior of Oxide Layers Formed on Irradiated Stainless Steel Weld Metal in Simulated PWR Primary Water
- Influences of Dissolved Hydrogen on Corrosion Behavior of Alloy 690 TT in Zinc-Injected Simulated PWR Primary Water Condition(Part 2)
- Study of the Irradiation Hardening Mechanism of Model Alloy of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel Using Pop-in Phenomena
- Second report of a trial analysis of licensee event reports( LERs) of U.S. nuclear power plants by text mining
- MAAP5 Analysis on TMI-2 Core Damage and Relocation in the Early Stages of the Accident
- Application of Machine Learning Models for Statistical Safety Evaluation (Investigation of Applicability of Quantum Circuit Learning)
- Numerical Simulation for Impinged Penetration Flow at a T-junction (Effect of Inlet Temperature Difference on Velocity and Temperature Distribution Characteristics)
- Improvement of the Severe Accident Practice Tool
- Development of an Evaluation Method Using Gaussian Process Regression for the Number of Steam Generator Tubes Broken
- On-site Survey on the Self-management of ECOTEC(Taikan Training)
- Preliminary Study on the Reality of Hybrid Work
- Trends in Public Opinion concerning Nuclear Power Generation in the United States and Europe after the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant Accident(7)
- The Interactive study session “After School Energy Talk” for Fukui Minami High School Asai Seminar students